Hey, it’s Santa Claus

I bring gifts to good kids on Christmas, only work one day but have been preparing for the whole year

Contact Santa

What I do


Use Machine Learning and Big Data Analyst, examine 400,00 children’s profiles in 3 hours, rank them in a row and decide who gets the gift. I also send a sorry letter to bad behave kids to encourage them for next year.

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Delivering Christmas gifts is nothing like UPS or driving Uber, there are so many uncertainties that cause you mission failed. Calculating the best route to send out all gifts in one night need super computing skills.

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A Clean Santa is good Stanta. I always clean up the host's house and wash the plates when I have my cookies(if they prepared). And so does my codes.

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My cool projects

I’m good at what I do, if you see a guy with red outfit climbing the wall, call the police, that’s not me. I’m too fast to be seen. 😉
